Tara Sol - Digital Artist

Hi, I'm Tara! Nice to Meet You

Writing this about myself feels odd. And, I’d like to share a bit about me with you so that you have a better understanding of who I am. I was married to my husband over 30 years ago, together we’ve raised two amazing humans, and adore being grandparents. We were both born and raised in Ontario, Canada and 6 years ago we decided to move to Fort Worth, Texas, which is where I currently call home. I am surrounded and supported by beloved family & friends as well as a loving community.

I have worn many employment hats including waitress, nurse, adult toy salesperson, quality control consultant, technical support person, And, most recently, director of creativity, Communications, and computer solutions.

I hold multiple certifications and have been trained by some pretty stellar organizations and humans. my skillset includes a very wide variety of tools and experiences which allows me to flow easily and enjoy the magical dance between spiritual teaching and technology. I light a candle and say a prayer each morning before I open up my computer and dive into that day’s digital tasks. 

I believe in faith, hope, and love and that almost all folks are always trying their best. And that healing and change is possible for everyone. 

Life is short, break the rules. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that makes you smile. – Mark Twain

Wanna Play With Me? Let's Connect

I’d love to hear from you. If you’d like more information about any of the services I am offering fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Please know that while I am excited to hear from you the nature of my work can sometimes have me traveling, off-line, or in deep work with other fabulous humans so it may take me a bit to get back to you.  But I totes will!

Steps to Building Your Website

  • First we’ll have a 1 hour planning meeting where we’ll discuss your needs and your vision. We’ll also explore any design preferences you have.
  • You’ll review what we discuss and provide me with your final choices and the content you would like shared on your site. 
  • Your website will be customized and built for you on Wordpress using Elementor, one of the most popular and easy to use website content creation systems available.
  • After the website is built we’ll have another meeting (30 minutes) to discuss any minor revisions you’d like done. 
  • After making any small adjustments I’ll deliver your website to you in a 1 hr teaching meeting
  • We’ll launch your website! Huzzah!